Subliminal Cold (1min 20 seconds)
An audiovisual video aiming to subliminally convey the feeling of cold
The implanted video (optional to watch it all)
Subliminal messages were introduced through:
(1) Images (low opacity, quick flashes)
(2) Text (low opacity, quick flashes)
(3) Audio (low frequency)
The visuals reinforced tactile manifestations for coldness. Movements were intuitive, and tight-framed, and quick to immerse the audience enough to be more receptive. The video was tested on students and the instructor. Many said they felt cold, shivered and/or goosebumps.
(1) Images

Hidden Image 1
(2) Text

Hidden Text: I’m freezing, my limbs and nose are very cold
(3) Audio

Audio recordings of: Person shivering, snow falling, heavy rain, thunder storm

Audio recording of: my own voice repeating sentences such as I’m cold and shivering