Cat Toys
A costume that is also a musical instrument

Cat Toys Performance at Korzo Theatre
Cat Toys is the end product of the ‘Soundscape’ IST Class at KABK presented at Korzo theatre in the Hague. The costume aims to break the silhouette of the body through the mix of materials used, the movements, and the light-shadows relationship during the performance.

Electronics of the sound
Cat Toys highlights how the body carries the costume and the instrument. Even if different bodies carried the same outfit and performed the same moves, the sound resulting and the way the costume acts will be different. It is a celebration of the unpredictability and originality of human actions.
Excerpt of performance at Korzo Theatre
“Beautiful example of an inventive project and at the same time great expressiveness, made with minimal resources. A wonderful final completion as a performance, which can be open to a future; exploring its presence in a collaboration.”
~Gert Dumbar & Brecht Hoffmann, IST Project Feedback
Soundscape class’s Spring festival Announcement on Korzo Theatre’s website

Cat Toys on the cover of the Royal Conservatoire’s Study Guide 2022/23, and on the cover of ‘Dumbar Now!’ chapter from Gert Dumbar’s New Book ‘Gentleman Mavrick of Dutch Design’