

"A Journey Across The Cities of Occupied Palestine" 

Visual Referential Reenactment 

"A Journey Across The Cities of Occupied Palestine" participating in Israeli Apartheid Week - March 2022 - By a photographer

Having this as a specific installation and ‘daily activity' allows space for connection and discourse on a level that is simpler for people to grasp. Through reenacting the stories of real Palestinians -you would access the story through a QR code on the wall-,the audience is able to self-reflect and connect on a personal level with the Palestinian people, and others under similar circumstances.

Thia installation is for the mere function of creating a referential experience. The goal is to establish understanding, awareness and connection with Palestine, and other groups under apartheid, occupation and injustices, to call for a just world.

"A Journey Across The Cities of Occupied Palestine" participating in Liberation Day Festival in Malieveld - 5th May 2022 - By a photographer

“A Journey Across The Cities of Occupied Palestine" is an installation highlighting the Israeli Apartheid's segregation wall throughout Palestine. Tala and Kay designed and built this installation in collaboration with Students For Palestine (SPF).  

On the 5th May, this installation was part of the Freedom square in the Liberation Festival in The Hague. This festival was visited by over 66,600 visitors. Additionally, the installation was present during the International Apartheid Week in March which was brought by SPF together with five other groups around the Netherlands in The Hague, Amsterdam, Groningen, Utrecht, Rotterdam, and Maastricht.

The audience experiences this installation through impersonating real stories of Palestinians crossing the wall to other areas. Depending on your background and the history of your family, you can have a far riskier, harder or even impossible time crossing. It is a route full of oppression, heavy surveillance and risk for Palestinians. It is part of their daily struggle, part of Tala’s reality. According to Amnesty International’s report recognizing Israel as an Apartheid, it states “These restrictions are another tool through which Israel segregates Palestinians into separate enclaves, isolates them from each other and the rest of the world and, ultimately, enforces its domination regime.”